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Day 17: Holy Spirit


Feb 17th. 2021

Galations 2.20

20 I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

Holy Spirit

God is interested in spiritual fruit, not religious nuts.

Life filled with the Holy Spirit is not you trying to live for God but letting the Holy Spirit live through you. We receive salvation when we believe that Jesus died in our place on the cross, but do you know how character is developed?

It results when you surrender to the Holy Spirit and let Him live in your place! Yes, let Him live His life through you. Salvation came when Jesus died in our place, but sanctification comes when we let Jesus live in our place.

Of course it's easier for most of us to let Jesus die for us than to let Him live in our place. The second part requires surrender.

We so often replace surrender with striving. Striving produces the work of the flesh; surrender produces the fruit of the Spirit. The fruit of the Holy Spirit is like having kids; children are the result of intimacy.

Many people come to the altar for the pastor to lay hands on them in order get a better character. But laying of the hands can't get you pregnant. You can't get pregnant because you came to the altar. You need to have a relationship and intimacy and kids come as a result of it.

Character will not be developed as a result of striving but as a result of surrendering. The goal is not holiness but the Holy Spirit . He will bring us to holiness when we follow Him.

Thought to ponder

What do you need to do to have that intimacy with the Holy Spirit?

To Pray

Jesus, please help me to have that intimate relationship with you. Help me Holy Spirit to walk in convictions, to walk in surrender. Bring me to Holiness. In Jesus name, Amen.



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